If life in danger call Triple Zero 000
If life in danger call Triple Zero 000

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Every call and text we answer is another life saved.

Your support can ensure that no one faces their darkest moments alone.
Just $25 a month will help us provide connection and hope to 12 people in crisis through Lifeline Text over a year.


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 Other ways to support Lifeline

Every day, more than 3,000 people reach out to Lifeline for support. The reasons they call range from isolation, anxiety, and stress to relationship breakdowns, grief, and crisis. Some, like Megan, call when they are in such distress that they think taking their own life is the only option.

Thankfully, Megan reached out to Lifeline when she did – and we answered. She says that call saved her life.

Please donate generously today and know that every dollar you give helps us be there for people when they really need us. No one should have to face their darkest moments alone.


Or mail us at

Supporter Services, PO Box R1084, Royal Exchange NSW 1225

circle of hands
man and woman hugging
Professional woman

Australia is facing a national suicide emergency.

9 Australians take their own lives each day.

Suicide is the leading cause of death for Australians aged between 15 and 44 years. And for every life lost too soon, many parents, children, siblings, friends, and colleagues are left devastated. 

More can – and must – be done to address this national emergency.  With your help, we believe that lives lost to suicide can be prevented.

As a trusted national charity, Lifeline has been saving lives for almost 60 years. We’re combating the increasing prevalence of suicide through our 24/7 crisis support and suicide prevention services like our 13 11 14 crisis line. Our 3500 highly-trained Crisis Supporters are ready and standing by to help anyone, any time.

But last year we received more than 1 million contacts from people in crisis.

We urgently need public donations to ensure we have the resources to respond to every single person in need. Your donation can help recruit, train, and support more Crisis Supporters and develop new technologies and services that help us respond to more people, faster.

Together we can bring hope to Australians doing it tough and create an Australia free from suicide

Help volunteers like Dennis save more lives.

Dennis shared his personal story with Lifeline as part of the 'Share your story' campaign. Watch his story is in his own words.